Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Beginnings...

So a week ago God was trying to tell me something because I kept on seeing the same thing multiple times, and I was even able to hold one of the events in my hands. It was pretty cool because I haven't really seen them before in Canada and then I saw them multiple times over a short period of time. So the object of which I am talking about is a Monarch butterfly.

The Monarch and my thumb

The first one I saw was around the girls house, which I thought was pretty cool already, then I saw one about two days later at the offices, then again at home when Ali was cutting back the huge shrubbery. That one I was able to hold for we were not sure if it was dieing, or just a young one or what, but it didn't have much energy and never flew so I was able to hold it. I probably blinded the poor thing with all the pictures I took of it. A few days later I had a dream where I was walking in a garden and a some people on a bench said to me as I passed them "did you know that that butterfly has been following you for ten minutes?" It was so real I thought it had happened and not just dreamt it. Then the next sighting was at the Claremont Chili cook-off which was the second week of this month. I was talking to a person then saw a monarch flying by and continued my sentence with " ...and there's a monarch butterfly!" then went back to talking to what I was talking about before.

Interns in Claremont waiting for the event to start

Hmmm... maybe this is a sign or something... maybe God is trying to tell me something.... Well Butterflies mean 'new beginnings' and the place I am in is a 'new' environment, and what God is teaching me is 'new' and I am making 'new' friends and God is taking me to 'new' heights and stretching me to 'new' limits. Maybe this has to do with why I am here! Oh wait! This is a new beginning for me! So God was just reminding me that I was in a new place and that things would be hard but that He is here with me in all things, and that He didn't expect it to be easy for me, but to stretch me in 'new' ways. Also that this is a new beginning for me, for I have never been away from home this long before.

My new home, the Green house


Dan Zupancic said...

Sometimes your such a newbie elisa.


Anonymous said...

Hey, ur keeping this updated. sweeet. Glad to read that I'm not the only one going thru new stuff. isn't God good.

Jonathan Sparkes