So, a few days ago, God showed me how my emotions and I are like natural peanut butter, yes natural peanut butter.
I am the type of person who doesn't always know how they feel, or know the right words to express how they feel, especially when people really want to know how I am doing, a quick answer is not always easy to give.
Back to the peanut butter, it has to be natural peanut butter because other brands of PB stay mixed together and don't separate, and natural PB separates into layers.
First layer: The oily layer on top is easy to access with little time taken to reach it. May not be completely satisfactory but one still gets something with the short amount of time taken. It's like the surface layer of my emotions, easy to see and get to, but may not be what I really feel at the moment. For people who don't want to take the time to dig deeper, that is all they get.
Second layer: The soft, still somewhat oily layer is not as accessible as the first but still easy enough to delve into and come out with more than just oil. It tastes much better than just the oil and more satisfying. People have to take the time to dig a little deeper than the first layer to get more than just oil, and if people really want to know how I am doing then they have to take some time to dig a little deeper past the surface emotions. For taking time to dig deeper they also show that they care more, allowing me to share more.
Third layer: The hard thick layer down at the very bottom is by far the hardest layer to reach and get for consumption. But this layer is really rich compared to the rest of the peanut butter in the jar, and is hard to eat alone. It also takes a lot more time to dig all the way down to the bottom, one has to be patient and willing to take more time to get to the bottom. If one is sincere and interested in really finding out how I am doing, they will be patient, take time and dig. Dig all the way to the bottom to find the emotions buried deep down, past the surface that all can see to a layer that not many get to see.
All three layers consumed alone does not give complete satisfaction to the person eating the peanut butter. One layer is really oily without a lot of flavour, the second more flavour but still a little too oily; whereas the third layer is chalk full of flavour but too hard. As is the same with me and my emotions, the surface emotions don't give a person the true flavour of who I am, the second reveals more but the third can be too overbearing alone.
"So what do you do then?" you might ask, well I 'll tell you. You mix it all up. Once the peanut butter is mixed thoroughly, all of the layers have what they once lacked and now the true peanutty goodness flavour can dazzle those taste buds like never before! Back to the emotional side of things, when a person takes the time to push, prod, and dig for the true emotions in me they will be rewarded, but those who take the extra time to mix it all together and to keep it mixed are truly rewarded with the real me.
I am not the only one like natural peanut butter, God is also the same way the more time we spend digging and going further in God the more satisfied we will be. The less time we take and just grab some oil, we leave still feeling empty and hungry. When we take the time to go deeper and mix everything together we not only get the full picture, but get fed and completely satisfied. But we have to keep the peanut butter mixed or else it will separate into layers once more, and the more we have to do to mix it all again, rather than keeping it up.
There you have it, the moral of the story is: keep your peanut butter mixed!
good view point on this
i like it a lot
very interesting
luv ya and good post <3
big sis
mummmmm peanut butter on toast sounds good right about now! or maybe on a toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese and honey! i love your imagery Elisa! Love Mom
Hey Elisa Where did you put all the peanut butter to get a picture of an empty jar?PS love your analogy, Dad
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