Thursday, January 10, 2008

Streams II

Seeing as I haven't posted since last year thought I would fill you in on what has been going on in my life this year. In December I went home for Christmas break, saw family, friends and David. Now it's back to New Hampshire for the second half. Even before I got to New Hampshire God started to teach me and stretch me.

I got to the Vancouver on the 3rd airport around 6:30pm and found out that my plane was delayed two hours due to deicing on the runway, which meant that I had missed my connecting flights due to the delay. I had two options laid out before me by the ticket agent: one I go home and return the next evening and catch the same flights at the same times and arrive a day and a half later, or fly out that night land in Portland and spend the night in a hotel paid for by the airline which included dinner and breakfast vouchers, then leave in the morning and fly to Newark NJ, and then to Boston. I didn't really want to go home and fly out the next night, but I didn't really want to spend the night in Portland -for that was another whole thing to be alone in a hotel. Well my ticket agent ended up deciding for me, he got off the phone and announced that he had decided for me and booked me into the hotel. I was unsure, but God knew, and He had a plan.

I was to call mom when I got through customs to let her it was time to stop worrying for that part of the trip. I ended up getting put into Secondary Inspection at customs, I could tell I was going to be there for awhile after sitting there a good ten minutes with none of the other two people ahead of me getting called in. As I was sitting there I was praying for God's peace and favour to be upon me. A few minutes later I saw my ticket agent looking through the window, once he spotted me he disappeared, and a few minutes later I was called back out in to the main customs area and questioned by another guard, all the while my ticket agent standing there smiling. I made it to all my flights on time, the hotel people were really nice and helped me a lot, it was all going good until I landed in Boston.

Boston view from above, leaving to go home

Two hours was all I had left to travel, then I would be back at the green house in New Hampshire, and my bus was scheduled to leave at 9:30pm, or so I thought. When I looked at the bus schedule I looked at the wrong airport, thinking it was the one I was at, unfortunatly, when I realized that I was at the Logan airport, not the Boston airport, it was too late, my bus had already left at 8:55. That was it for me, I cried, I was tired and worn out from over 24hrs of traveling and I just wanted to be done, and to go to bed. So I called home and my loving daddy answered, it's kinda of hard to say nothing is wrong when your crying, after calming down a bit I managed to tell him that I missed my bus and that it was the last one going to New London NH for the night, the next one left at 7:55 am on the 5th. My dad, being the awesome dad that he is, knew that I had had enough and that it was time for him to step in and take care of me, even though he was so far away. I ended up taking a taxi that night all the way to the girls green house. It was such a relief to be back, to have finally reach my destination, to be able to sleep.

Through my earthly father my heavenly father showed me how much He cares for me and how much He loves me, just through that one experience. God pushed me to new limits, He knew how far I could go, He knew what I could do even though I didn't think I could. He knew when I had reached then end and that I had done all that I could do, which was more than I though. He used my dad to show me that He knows all, to show me that my dad knows me and knows my limits, for he has a father's heart and cares greatly for his children.


Anonymous said...

Your testimony warms the heart!
Luv Mom

Anna Zupancic said...

Wow Elisa, Thanks for sharing! That is QUITE the testimony!

David Schile said...

I love you Elisa, and I am glad that you you were stretched in your faith and that you were taken care of by your Daddy in Heaven. God bless you, my lovely one.

David Schile.